Disabled Clients

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Your center administrator may choose to activate the disability tab for clients.  On the disability tab, users can track disabilities and accommodations using the lists created by your center administrator.  If your center has a third-party document creation/editing software like Microsoft Word, you might be able to create bulk accommodation letters for your clients by exporting this data.


What would you like to do?

oAdd Disabilities/Accommodations
oDelete Disabilities/Accommodations
oCreate Accommodation Letters


Add Disabilities/Accommodations

1.   Navigate to client screen from:

oAny screen that has the Client icon on the menu bar (e.g., appointment screen, My Clients list)
oFrom the calendar screen, click Open > Clients and search for the client

2.  Click Edit on the menu bar on the client screen.

3.  Click the Disability tab.

4.  Click in the text boxes to record the name and email address of the client's advisor, if desired.

5.  Click the Add button next to either the disabilities or accommodations section.

6.  Use the pull down menus to select the desired disability/accommodation.  (Note:  These lists were created by your center administrator.)

7.  For disabilities, select the desired status from the pull down menu.

8.  For accommodations, click to enter the effective and expires dates for the accommodation.

9.  Click in the text box to add a brief comment or description regarding the disability/accommodation.  (Note:  Do not enter confidential information in these fields.  The information on this tab is viewable by all users.)

10.  Repeat steps 5-9 to add additional disabilities/accommodations as desired.

11.  Click Save.

12.  Click Exit.




Delete Disabilities/Accommodations


1.   Navigate to client screen from:

oAny screen that has Client icon on the menu bar (e.g., appointment screen, My Clients list)
oFrom the calendar screen, click Open > Clients and search for the client

2.  Click Edit on the menu bar on the client screen.

3.  Click the Disability tab.

4.  Click on the desired disability or accommodation.

5.  Click the Delete button.

6.  Repeat Steps 4-5 as desired.

7.  Click Save.

8.  Click Exit.



Create Accommodation Letters


This process is recommended for centers that need to create accommodation letters for multiple clients at the same time.  You can use Titanium's form letter process to create accommodation letters for one client at a time.


The process detailed here requires the use of Microsoft Excel and Word, third-party software, but other software might be used.  You will be unable to follow this process unless your center administrator has given you sufficient permission to export raw data from Titanium.


1.  From the schedule screen, click Reports on the menu bar.


2.  Click Export Data.


3.  For data to export, use the pull down menu to choose Client Accommodations.


4.  Choose the date range.  (Note:  This is the date when the accommodation was marked as effective on the disability tab in the client screen.)


5.  Click the check boxes to include client identifying information.


6.  Use the pull down menu to choose .csv as the Export Data type.


7.  Use the windows interface to save the .csv file on your computer.


8.  Open the .csv file to review/change the names of the column headers.


9.  Create the accommodation letter as a Word template, using the desired column headers as data fields.  (Note:  Titanium Support cannot provide assistance with Word or Excel.  You should use the Help in Word for more information about Steps 8-11. (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/294683)


10.  Use the mail merge function in Word, by choosing the .csv file as the data source for the merge.


11.  Save the new Word file containing the accommodation letters.


12.  Distribute accommodation letters as desired.





For additional assistance, please email the Titanium Support team or visit us online at www.TitaniumSchedule.com.