Add/Edit Demographics

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Demographic information for clients is recorded on a data form which is attached to a note in the client's file.  The data form was created or chosen by your center's administrator.  The instructions on this page are for use of the demographics icon on the menu bar on the client screen.  If your center administrator has not enabled the icon, you can work with the data form by manually attaching it to a note in the client file.



What would you like to do?

oAdd a new demographics form
oEdit a demographics form


Add a New Demographics Form

1. Search for the desired client.

2.  Click the Demographics icon on the menu bar on the client screen.

3.  To copy and edit a prior form, click Copy (latest date) demographics to new.  To add a new demographics form from scratch, click Add new.

4.  Enter (or edit) required information.

5.  Click Save.

6.  Click Exit.



Edit a Demographics Form

If your center has clients complete paperwork via the online web component or uses the client import feature, some or all of the demographics data form may be completed using these tools.  If some data has already been entered, you may be able to edit the demographics form if the form and note have not been locked.

1. Search for the desired client.

2.  Click the Demographics icon on the menu bar on the client screen.

4.  Click Open Latest.

5.  Click  Edit.

6.  Make desired changes.

7.  Click Save.

8.  Click Exit.




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