The information below is for default permissions.  Some settings can be changed on tabs throughout the system settings.


User Security Levels assigned by System Administrator:

Provider 1: View/modify all schedules, create/access all data for all clients and non-clients, assign clients to counselors, automatically added to client screen when creating clients, view/create invoices

Provider 2:  View all schedules, modify only assigned schedules, create/access all data for all clients and non-clients, assign clients to counselors

Provider 3:  View all schedules, modify only assigned schedules, see client names on appointments only on own schedule, create/access all data for assigned clients (Note:  Provider 3 users may be restricted to viewing only their own schedules.  If so, then they will be unable to use the Find Open feature to search for appointments.), create/access group notes for group appointments on which they are a resource, create/access non-confidential non-client notes or assigned confidential non-client notes

Support Staff:  View/modify all schedules, create/access non-confidential data for all clients and non-clients, assign clients to counselors, view/create invoices

IT Staff:  View version information, complete some diagnostic checks, and check for and install software updates (For multi-department installations, ITStaff accounts are created and managed in Manage Departments under Multi-Department Users.)

Temporary Emergency Access:  Allows access in the event that no System Administrator can log on (forgotten passwords, unavailable).  This level allows a one-time access to the Users and Schedules tab in system settings, for the purpose of resetting a System Administrator password.  Titanium strongly recommends creating at least one Temporary Emergency Access account, and storing the information securely in the center.

Temporary Delegate: Does not allow users to log into Titanium.  This security level is used by IT staff when performing department import, under the instruction of Titanium Support.  The account is automatically deleted when the department import function is completed.

SystemAdmin: Unabridged rights to perform any action throughout the entire system including but not limited to activate and set up the system, create all user accounts, view/modify all schedules, create/access all data for all clients, combine clients, delete and purge clients from system (electronic shred), export raw data and billing using Reports function.

Note:  Titanium Support is unable to log onto your Titanium application, if passwords are forgotten.  We cannot reset passwords.  Only users that you designate as System Administrators are able to do this.  Therefore, Titanium strongly recommends creating at least two System Administrator accounts, to allow access to the system if one user is unavailable, and creating at least one Temporary Emergency Access account, and storing the information securely in the center.



Supervision Levels assigned by System Administrator:

Supervisor: Can sign notes on Lines 1, 2 and 3, able to view My Clients/task lists of other users

Supervisor in Training 1: Can sign notes on Line 2,  and Line 3 if Line 1 is not blank, able to view My Clients/task lists of other users

Supervisor in Training 2:   Can sign notes on Lines 1 and 2, able to view My Clients/task lists of other users

Unsupervised:  Can sign notes on Lines 2 or 3, but only if Line 1 is blank

Under Supervision:  Can sign notes on Line 1

N/A:  Cannot sign notes



Client-Level Security Settings:

System Administrator users can change client-level security settings from standard to more restricted settings.

Standard:  User settings above apply to the client

Confidential:  Restricts access to the client’s confidential notes to only the System Administrator user and the users assigned to the client

Entire case file: Restricts access to the entire client file (including non-confidential notes and appointment history) to only the System Administrator user and the users assigned to the client



By default, all users can view and save reports.  By default, only System Admin users can export raw data.  System Administrators can change these defaults on the Security tab in system settings, and make per user changes on the Details tab in Users and Schedules in system settings.




For additional assistance, please email the Titanium Support team or visit us online at