Outreach and Non-Clients

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Your administrator will choose the definition of "client" to be used in your center (i.e., visited the center, completed intake paperwork, and attended at least one appointment).  To track interactions with people who are not clients without adding them to your client database, use the non-client note feature in Titanium. Your user and supervisor permissions for non-client notes will be the same as for client notes.  If necessary, non-client notes can later be added to client files, and non-client notes placed in the client file.  Clients in Titanium cannot be converted to non-clients.


Outreach refers to services provided to individuals or groups who aren't "clients"  as defined by your center administrator.  Examples might include workshops or lectures to community or campus groups. Outreach activities can be added to your Titanium schedule.  Your center administrator may set up Titanium so that outreach activities can be documented on the appointment for reporting purposes.





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