Add Non-Client Note to Client File

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In the event that the person who is the subject of a non-client note becomes a client of the center, the non-client note can be placed in the client's file.


What would you like to do?

oAdd a client and place a single non-client note in the client's file
oAdd a non-client note to an existing client file



Add a Client and Place a Single Non-Client Note in the Client's File

1.  From the calendar screen:

oClick Open >  Non-Client Notes.  Enter the non-client information and click Find or
oClick Client, check "Also Find Non-Client Notes".  Enter the non-client information and click Find.

2. Double click to open the non-client note.

3.  Click the File icon on the menu bar.

4.  Click Yes.

5.  Enter the Student ID and press the tab key, or enter the full or partial last name and click Find.

6.  If the client is not found, enter the last and first name from the non-client note, and click New Client.

7.  Click Yes to confirm.

8.  The client screen will open in a new window.  Enter information required by your center.

8.  Click Save.

9.  Click Exit.



Add a Non-Client Note to an Existing Client File

If you don't have sufficient permission to view/edit the client, you may see an error message at Step 7.  Additionally, you may be unable to see the non-client note after it has been added to the client file, even if you created the note.

1.  From the calendar screen:

oClick Open >  Non-Client Notes.  Enter the non-client information and click Find or
oClick Client, check "Also Find Non-Client Notes".  Enter the non-client information and click Find.

2. Double click to open the non-client note.

3.  Click the File icon on the menu bar.

4.  Click Yes.

5.  Enter the Student ID and press the tab key, or enter the full or partial last name and click Find.

6.  Double click the client.

7.  Click Save.

8.  Click Exit.




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