Unlock Appointments and Notes

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Notes are locked when a user signs on Line 3 and clicks Save. Appointments may be locked for editing if they are too far in the past, based on the settings you chose on the Security tab.  If there are errors on notes or appointments that have been locked, a system administrator can allow edits to them.



What would you like to do?

oUnlock note
oEdit locked appointment


Unlock Note

This process should be used with extreme caution.  There is no way to audit changes made to a note that was unlocked.  When the note is signed again, it will reflect the date on which it was re-signed, not the original signature date.  We STRONGLY advise editing locked notes via the use of addenda.  To unlock a note, a system administrator level user should:


1.  Navigate to the note in the client file.


2.  Open the note.


3.  Click Edit on the menu bar.


4.  Click Unlock on the menu bar.


5.  Click Yes on the pop up box to confirm.


6.  If desired, use the pop up box to lock the original narrative portion of the note.  The narrative portion will be maintained and additional text added below the narrative.


7.  Click Save.


8.  Click Exit.


9.  Instruct the user to edit and sign the note.



Edit Locked Appointment


If an appointment has been locked for editing, a system administrator can temporarily override that setting to make changes.


1.From the calendar screen, click Settings > System Settings.
2.Click the Security tab.
3.Check "Activate security override mode for this session only."
4.Click Ok.
5.Navigate to the desired appointment.
6.Edit the appointment as desired.
7.Exit Titanium.
8.Log back into Titanium.



For additional assistance, please email the Titanium Support team or visit us online at www.TitaniumSchedule.com.