My Clients List

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The My Clients list provides the user with a personal list of clients to whom they are assigned. To open your My Clients list, from the calendar screen, click Open > My Clients.


If a user is listed on the security tab of the client record, then the client will be shown on that user's My Clients list.  By default, only active clients are displayed.  Additionally, the list shows only clients for whom the user is actively assigned.  If you have been given permission as a supervisor, you can view another user's My Clients list by selecting their name from the pull down menu.

The screen also provides appointment statistics for your clients, which can be hidden by unchecking the Statistics box in the upper, right corner of the screen.  To filter the list to view clients who have attended a certain type of appointment, select the appointment code from the pull down menu and set the attended appointments to a number greater than 0. Right click on the column headers for options to sort, rearrange columns, choose columns or save/export the table.


You can click to select a client, and then use the menu bar icons to navigate to the client's record or file.  You also have the option to email all clients from the list who have email addresses entered and for whom email is set as "ok to contact."


If a check mark appears in the Active column, it means that the user appears on the Security tab of the client record with a check mark.  Usually this means that the user is providing services to the client.  If no check mark appears in the active column, then the user is still shown on the client's Security tab, but there is no check mark.  This means that the user is inactively assigned.  Usually this means that the user previously provided services but is no longer doing so.  If you click the "terminate" button for a client and click Ok, then your active assignment to the user is changed to inactive.  If your center administrator has activated the termination features, you may be prompted to write notes.


To locate specific groups of clients, use the following filter settings:


Clients who are active but not assigned to any user:

Show clients for:  All
Include clients that are:  Active
Include clients with users that are:  Not assigned



All active clients:

Show clients for:  All
Include clients that are:  Active
Include clients with users that are:  Actively assigned, inactively assigned, not assigned



All clients:

Show clients for:  All
Include clients that are:  Active, inactive
Include clients with users that are:  Actively assigned, inactively assigned, not assigned




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