Delete Inactive Clients

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Although it is possible to delete client records, many centers choose to retain client records and deactivate clients instead.  Titanium offers two options for deactivating clients, one for individual clients and one for a bulk deactivation based on center criteria.  You can also purge (shred) inactive client files, in accordance with applicable laws.


What would you like to do?

oDeactivate clients
oDeactivate clients in bulk
oPurge inactive records



Deactivate Clients


If your center is using the deactivation function of the termination feature, a task list for the center will be created.  Clients to be deactivated will appear on the task list.  Only system administrators can access the task list for the center.  To deactivate clients using the task list:


1. From the calendar screen, click Open > Task List.


2.  Click Show Tasks for and choose Center from the drop down list.


3.  Double click on a client.


4.  Click Yes on the prompt to deactivate the client.  If you click No, the task will remain on the center task list.


5.  If users are assigned to the client, click Yes to navigate to the client security tab to remove the user assignment.  (Note:  If no users are assigned to the client, you still skip to Step 9.)


6.  Click Edit on the menu bar, and uncheck the Active column for the user(s).

7.  Click Yes to confirm that the user assignment is being terminated.  If you click No, the task will remain on the center list.

8.  Handle termination note creation:

oIf a termination note is required, click Ok on the pop-up box to create a note. Add the note as you normally would, including signing and locking the note.
oIf a termination note is optional, click Yes on the pop-up box to create a termination note. Add the note as you normally would, including signing and locking the note.
oIf a termination note is optional and you do not want to create a note, click No to skip creating a termination note.

9.  Depending on the settings, after all users have been unassigned from the client, a pop up box will appear prompting you to deactivate the client.  Click Yes to change the client status to inactive.  Click No to leave the client's status active.  Or uncheck the Active box on the Contact Information tab.

10.  Handle deactivation note creation:

oIf a deactivation note is required, click Ok on the pop-up box to create a note. Add the note as you normally would, including signing and locking the note.  (Note:  The termination note type and any required data forms were selected by your center administrator.)
oIf a deactivation note is optional, click Yes on the pop-up box to create a deactivation note. Add the note as you normally would, including signing and locking the note.
oIf a deactivation note is optional and you do not want to create a note, click No to skip creating a deactivation note.  

11.  Depending on the settings, a pop up box will appear prompting you to restrict access to the client file.  Click Yes to restrict the client file.  Click No to make no changes.

11.  Click Save and Exit.


Deactivate Clients in Bulk


This process will not delete clients.  It will mark them inactive.


1.  Navigate to Settings > System Settings > Client tab > Termination Settings.


2.  Click Bulk Terminate/Deactivate.


3.  Choose the desired deactivation settings.


4.  Click Bulk Deactivate Now.


5.  Click Ok.


6.  Click Close.


7.  Click Close.


8.  Click Ok.




Purge Inactive Records

Before purging inactive records, it is strongly recommended that you have your IT group make a backup of your Titanium database.  This backup can be restored if you delete records in error.  To electronically delete or "shred" client records:


1.  From the calendar screen, click Settings > System Settings.


2.  Click the Security Tab > Permanently delete records with no recent activity button.


3.  Choose Clients.


4.  On the pop-up window, click the pull down arrow to choose a date.  (Note:  Titanium will not delete records less than 5 years old.  You should only delete records in accordance with your institution's policies and the laws of your state/country.)


5.  Click the Find button.


5.  Select the records  to delete by clicking in the check boxes in the Selected column, or clicking the Select All button.


6.  Click Delete Selected button.


7.  Click Yes to confirm.


8.  Close the pop-up window.


9.  Click OK.




For additional assistance, please email the Titanium Support team or visit us online at