Using Online Scheduling

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Your center administrator may choose to activate online appointment scheduling, if your center uses the optional web component feature.  To use the feature:


1. Add online appointment scheduling placeholders to desired schedules.  These will be the days/times/schedules displayed to clients to select appointment slots.


2.  Direct clients who want to use online scheduling to your center's web component URL.  (Note:  Your center administrator may have created several options for online scheduling, and should provide instructions for use.)


3.  After clients select appointment slots, a locked appointment block will be placed on the schedule.  The appointment may not be edited or deleted until after it has been approved.  The appointment block will be marked with a yellow and black U icon.  (Note:  If a user is authorized to approve incoming data and attempts to edit a locked appointment, they can click "yes" on the prompt to open the Approve Incoming Data screen.)


4.  After the Approve Incoming Data process has been run, the appointment block will be unlocked.  (Note:  At the bottom of the appointment screen, added by Client will appear to show that the appointment was scheduled online.)




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