User Schedule Viewer Layout

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On this tab, you can set defaults for the layout of the calendar (schedule) screen.  Options on this screen include:


Start time:  Click in this box to change the time that shows at the top of the schedule.  (Note:  Users are able to scroll up on the schedule to set earlier appointments can be added to the schedule.)


Interval time:  Click in this box to change the time intervals (in minutes) displayed on the schedule.


Number of rows:  Click in this box to change the number of rows which will appear on the schedule.  (Note:  The amount of time will vary based on intervals and number of rows.  So, if intervals are set for 30 minutes, and rows are set for 24, then 12 hours will be displayed on the schedule.)


Alternate time display:  Check the box to change the format of the time line displayed at the left of the schedule screen.


Number of columns:  Click in this box to change the number of columns that will appear on the schedule.  (Note:  The green arrow buttons at the top of the calendar screen can be used to navigate among columns that are not displayed by default.)


Weekly format:  Use the pull down menu to show or suppress weekends.  (Note:  The Go To button on the menu bar can be used to navigate directly to a weekend day, even if weekends are suppressed.)


Day header format:  Click in this box to change from the standard day header format of "Weekday, Month Date" to a different Windows standard format.


Schedule header font: Click the ellipse button (3 dots) to open the font selection window to choose a different font for the top header row on the schedule when viewing multiple user schedules for a single day.


Day header font: Click the ellipse button (3 dots) to open the font selection window to choose a different font for the second row on the schedule when viewing multiple user schedules for a single day.


Swap header fonts: When viewing a single schedule over multiple days, there will be only one header row.  Click this check box to use the Schedule Header Font as the header row font in single schedule view.


Enable refresh:  If desired, click the check box to refresh the screen when  working in Titanium and set the refresh interval in seconds.  (Note:  If you do not check this box, you are working in Titanium for a long period of time, they will not see updated data).


Limit refresh:  If you clicked to refresh user screens, click in the next check box to limit refresh to when you do not have a window open (i.e., when only the calendar screen is displayed).


Enable quick date navigation:  This control will prevent appointments and placeholders from being displayed on the schedule when the user presses and holds a shortcut key to navigate through successive days on the schedule.  Not displaying schedule items until the shortcut key is released results in faster scrolling.


Schedule to be displayed on log in:  Click one of the radio buttons to set the default schedule display when a user logs in to either their own schedule, or schedules for a group.  If you choose to display schedules for a user group, click the pull down menu to choose from among the groups that you created.


Appointment block font:  Click the ellipse button (3 dots) to open the font selection window to choose a different font for the text displayed on appointment blocks.


Bold for attendance:  Check this box to change the appointment block font to bold type if any attendance option is chosen other than scheduled.


Appointment block information display format:  Use the pull down menu to choose the information shown on schedule blocks.


Appointment icons: Click in the check boxes to choose the icons that will be displayed in appointment blocks.


Non-attended appointment format:  Use the pull down menu to select whether/how non-attended appointments will be displayed on the schedule.


Display appointment start time:  Check in the box to display the start time of the appointment on the appointment block.


Display appointment length: Use the pull down menu to choose whether appointment length will be displayed in the appointment block.  (Note:  Because you will be able to see the start/end times for appointments on the schedule, this option is not used often.)


Append the appointment Description field to the text displayed:  Text in the description field on the appointment will be displayed on the appointment block.


Mouse-over display:  Click in these check boxes if you want provider appointment count for the client, center appointment count for the client, or client student ID to display with the user hovers over the appointment with their mouse.


Intake appointments in count:  If you click in this check box, intake appointments will not be counted in the mouse-over displays for appointment counts.


Appointment Count Start Date:  By default, appointment counts in Titanium are aligned to the year start date that your center administrator chooses.  To use a different date, enter it in the date window.





Common options for Windows standard formats:


Desired format

Enter in Day header format box

Thursday, August 07  (Titanium default)

dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy  

Thu, Aug 07

ddd, MMM dd

August 07


August 7


August 7, 2014

MMMM d, yyyy




dd = day of the month

dddd = day of the week

MM = number of the month

MMMM = name of the month

yyyy = year



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