Appointment Reminder Settings

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The appointment reminders feature allows users that you designate to send reminders to clients about upcoming appointments.  The appointment reminders function searches for appointments from 1-10 days in the future and allows all desired reminders to be sent with one button click.  Reminders can be sent via email, SMS text message, or both.


Appointment reminders are automated, but cannot be set to be sent automatically.  They must be sent by a Titanium user.


Appointment reminders are not active by default.  If you choose to use appointment reminders, you should:


1.From the calendar screen, click Settings > System Settings.
2.Click Appointments  tab > Appointment Reminders button.
3.Click in Activate Client Appointment Reminders check box.
4.To allow users to send one off reminders, click in the Allow Manual Appointment Reminders for Appointments box.
5.Enter a call back phone number that can be included in the text of reminders, if desired.
6.To set default location text to be used in reminders, type in the location.  (Note:  This default location only appears in reminders.  It is not added to appointments.)
7.Set up email reminders, if desired.
8.Set up SMS text reminders, if desired.
9.Set up custom reminders by appointment code, if desired.
10.Click Close.
11.Click Users and Schedules tab > Users and Schedules button.
12.  Click the Edit button on the menu bar.
13.  If required, enter your user name and password, and click OK.
14.  Click on the user who you want to allow to send reminders.
15.  Use the pull down menu to change Client Reminders to Can Send Appointment Reminders.
16.  Repeat steps 14-15 for all users who will send reminders.
17.  Click Save.
18.  Click Exit.



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