Add Users and Schedule Groups

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There are multiple purposes of user and schedule groups including:

oView only a subset of schedules  (i.e., senior staff, interns reporting to a given supervisor, resources, rooms, staff working at different campus locations, etc.)
o Filter for openings for appointments
o Filter and aggregate data for reports
o Filter for advanced client search


A user/schedule can be included in as many groups as desired.  At least one group should contain all active users and schedules.  To create groups:


1.From the calendar screen, click Settings > System Settings.
2.Click Users and Schedules tab > Users and Schedule Groups Button.
3.Use the list screen to create a list of groups.
4.For each group, click the Group Members button.
5.Use the list screen to add users/schedules to the group.
6.Click the check box under Make # of Columns Match to stretch or shrink the schedule screen when all group members are shown.
7.Click the Active check box to make the group active or inactive.
8.Repeat Steps 3 - 6 for all groups.
9.Click Save.
10.Click Exit.




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