Add Attachment to Other Appointment

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Notes cannot be associated with "other" appointment types.  Users can add attachments to "other" appointments for documentation purposes (e.g. staff meeting agendas.)


To add an to an other appointment:


1.  Double click to open the appointment.


2.  Click Edit on the menu bar.


3.  Click the Attach icon on the menu bar.

4.  Use the Windows interface on your computer to locate the file(s) to be attached and click Open.  (Note:  File size is limited to 16 mb.)

5.  Click the file(s) to select, and click Open.

6.  Use the pull down menu to select a description, or type in a description of the file.

7.  If multiple files have been selected, then no description box will be displayed.  To add descriptions, click on the Attach icon, hover over the desired attachment and click Edit Description.



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